Update From Brett

Extra Credit and Leadership Goals

Goal setting requires everyone to work together...including you!

One of the things we are looking forward to this month is the goal-setting for FY13. Rich's leadership team met this past month and we will be beginning the goal-setting process with a planning retreat, fueled by the list of projects and operational initiatives already in progress, plus two exciting efforts that will help guide the course of our planning: Rich's Extra Credit results and customer performance feedback.

    Rich's Extra Credit is turning out to be productive, especially in terms of the creative breadth of ideas and immediacy. We are excited about how good the suggestions have been. Many of them require little or no debate regarding their value. The question is whether to start them immediately or wait until the next fiscal year. I'd like to thank the presenters for their contributions. You will see immediate action on these items.

    For the first time since I have been at Emory, we solicited extensive input from our key stakeholders that generated a lengthy list of proposals. By meeting with the Director Team, we prioritized and sized the list and began sequencing the items for future work. Out of this list, there were only a few items that we won't get to this year. I am impressed with our ability to satisfy the needs of our customers in any way possible.

    The retreat is just the beginning of our planning process, but these two efforts have given us renewed enthusiasm for the mission ahead. And I intend to continue to ask our customer base what they want and need for us to be working on.

    - Brett Coryell, Deputy CIO, OIT